The Rudraksha bead is said to originally come from Shiva s tears. Rudraksha is the object of veneration and also the source to reach the higher self. Rudraksha is often believed to symbolize the link between the earth and the heaven. Rudraksha beeds are very rare and precious. Spiritually they have been worn and used for meditation, japa mantra, and pujas/fire ceremonies for many centuries. Buddhist Monks found that merely wearing the Rudraksha beads gave them astonishingly tremendous amount of tranquility, concentration that helped them meditate for a long period of time with spectacular control over their mind. The divine qualities of this bead were first noted in ancient Hindu scriptures and have been proclaimed down through the ages: they bless one with peace of mind; protects against evil doers and spirits; protects the wearer against an early or untimely accidental death; if wearing the bead upon dying one would be released from the karmic cycle of birth and death: blesses one with nirvana, moksha, peace and prosperity. A typical Rudraksha Mala is made with the auspicious number of 108+1 bead. The +1 bead is called the Sumeru.The Buddha Guru Bead is a symbol of the absolute or Supreme Consciousness and wearing it results in the destruction of negative karma from previous births that cause difficulties in the present life.