While venturing outdoor, you need to ensure that you have all the necessities properly packed in your bag. Whether you are going for two to three days, or a long camping trip – unexpected events can occur at any time. Safety is the primary concern and hence you need some outdoor gear accessories to save your day. Pack yourself a helmet for saving your head if you fall off a terrain. On the other hand, compasses are a must have to help you not get lost in a remote area. Similarly, a first-aid kit must always be there with Band-Aid, knives, fire starter etc. Of course, water and food would always top your list.
Hiking and camping is an exciting adventure, but make sure you are properly geared up for that. As you get information about the location and climate, it is equally important to know which brands offer reliable gear accessories. Top brands like Aeoss, CW, Chess n Crafts, DeoDap, Epyz, Everyday Desire, Fox 40, GE, GoBro and many more are some of the trusted providers for outdoor gear accessories. Apart from all these, there are special survival bracelets which have multiple functions like starting a fire and even a rescue rope. To protect your identity and credit cards there are special holders too.
• A compass is one of the most important things which would help in guiding your way. Even if you have a GPS on your phone, chances are phones might die in the middle. You need an alternative to not get stuck, especially when its dark.
• Helmets are must even if you are not on a cycling or biking trip. Some hiking terrains are dangerous and slipping off from them might hurt your head. Apart from that, an emergency foldable shelter must also be carried, if you are stuck and need to call it off for some time.
• If you are on a cycling trip, an emergency tail light which would send a signal must be attached to your cycle. Knives, multifunctional ropes and lights, water resistant bags – are some of the other things which complete your survival pack in the wild.
• First-aid kits are an essential without a doubt and its size depends on how much risky is the trip and how many people are going. Some of the necessary items must always include gloves, scissors, bug sprays, masks, etc.
• Keeping yourself hydrated and your stomach well is another necessity. Hence, water bottles up to 2 liters is always recommended along with some filters to treat dirty water taken from streams.
As you prepare yourself for the next trip in the wild, make sure you gear up yourself with some emergency necessities easily available on Paytm Mall. Things like helmets, compasses, survival bracelets, fire starters, emergency foldable shelters – can now be bought from various trusted brands. You can also avail cashback offers and great discounts if you purchase these things by clubbing them with ropes, gloves, torches and tents.
Bags & Packs | Sleeping Bags & Mats | Hiking Tents | Gloves | Bottles | Sunglasses | Knives & Tools | Head Lamps | Ropes | Belaying Devices & Carabiners | Lamp & Torches
This data was last updated on 2025/02/23