Sudanta Tooth Paste 100 g

Sudanta Tooth Paste 100 g

MRP 56
Inclusive of all Taxes
Out of Stock
Product Highlights
  • Sudanta Tooth Paste 100 g
Out of Stock
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Customer Care: 01204606060
License No. 12419003001923

Product Description

Product Type
Product Code
Contact Details Consumer Care
AGARAM OILS,,9750799505
Common Or Generic Name Of Commodity
Sudanta Tooth Paste 100 g
Imported Product Country Of Origin
Manufacturer Or Packer Address
Agaram OIls, 9/1, Thulasi Plaza
Manufacturer Or Packer Name
Month Year Of Manufacture Packing Import
Net Quantity Or Measure Of Commodity In Pkg
Sudanta Tooth Paste 100 g

Return Policy

Return Policy
1 day return policy - Return is accepted by the seller within 1 day of delivery, only if the goods are damaged, defective or wrong from what you ordered Cancellation allowed.
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