Stylewell Women Red And Green Transparent Floral Print Ankle Length Socks (Multicolor;Pack of 20)

Stylewell Women Red And Green Transparent Floral Print Ankle Length Socks (Multicolor;Pack of 20)

310MRP 499 -38%
Inclusive of all Taxes
Manufacturing Info
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KR Sales Mart
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Product Type
Product Code
Free Size
Ankle Length
Product Dimension
20 cm x 18 cm x 6 cm
This is an ankle length socks. It is made up of soft nylon. It is very good for the ladies who want to wear soft;thin and transparent material. It dries up quickly after wash. This is a multi use socks which you can wear with shoes;slippers and sandals also. The material has very good elasticity which grips your legs properly and gives a better look. Ladies always prefer this item because it is semi transparent;protect your legs from skin tan;sun burn;cold;blizzards;etc. Above all this it is very comfortable to wear.
Country Of Origin

Manufacturer Details

Manufactured By
Lakhotia Overseas- 9061/28 1st Floor,Ram Bagh Road Pulbangash,Beri Wala Bagh Delhi-110006

Return Policy

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No Returns Allowed - This item is non returnable. However, in an unlikely event of the delivered item being damaged, defective or significantly different from what you had ordered, please immediately contact us within 2 days of delivery. Cancellation Allowed.
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