Shivoham Shree Dhanlaxmi Kamalgatta mala wood nacklace

Shivoham Shree Dhanlaxmi Kamalgatta mala wood nacklace

949MRP 1999 -53%
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Kamal Gatta are the seeds found in a Lotus flower. This flower is considered quite auspicious as Goddess Laxmi is found seated on this flower. The Goddess is also known as Kamalvaasini for this very reason. Kamal Gatta Mala is thus quite affective to appease the Goddess. All the mantras and jaap chanted for Goddess Laxmi can be performed with this Mala. People with bad debts, unstable business/losses, unfavorable relationship with spouse, can recite the Mantra, Om Mahalakshmyai Ch Vidmahe Vishupatneem Ch Dheemahi Tanno Laxmi Prachodayat , 108 times (which is one mala), beginning from a Friday. You may attain unexpected benefits from it. It is nevertheless important to contact a trained astrologer to know the procedure for hawan and the right mantras to be recited in order to ensure that you get maximum gains and benefits. One can use this mala to recite all jaaps or mantras to the Goddess Laxmi. The Goddess Laxmi is quite pleased when a devotee uses this Mala for chanting of the Mantras. As a result she bestows wealth and worldly comforts on her devotees. Those who are going through a difficult phase owing to financial losses or poverty can keep this Mala with them. The benefits of Kamal Gatta Mala are immense as it brings all the riches that one desires. The Mala can also be used during Laxmi-Kuber Homan. A Kamal Gatta Mala is made from lotus seeds. These seeds have certain properties that make the devotee realize of its powers while performing any devotional ritual. The lotus seeds are binded together with a red thread. This Mala cannot be used for the purpose of wearing; it is only used for chanting mantras or when performing any ritual that involves jaap.
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Himanshu Mala Stores, Ck 28/11, Gyanwapi Chowk, Varanasi, U.P - 221001

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