Multi-layer design freedom disassembly-Assembly With the continuous improvement of people's living standards,home supplies are more and more,how many times we are troubled return home of these items,and sometimes misplacing things,using the time to fund it will be more trouble. Shelves are using a combination of floor and pillars placed debris shelf. More from the bar bracket support to the floor for supporting,unique,smart design,easy handling,clean and bright,open-plan design,the storage visible at a glance. Storage fragmented small household items. We provide shower organization in a wide range of designs to meet all your bathroom needs. Included are 3 shelves to hold shampoo, conditioner and more. The plastic shelves are rustproof and easy to clean. It installs and adjusts easily without the need for tools. Create a neat and organized shower with the Suction Cup Bathroom Shelf. This triangle roomy suction cup shelf is ideal for holding your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, bubble bath and more. This Suction Corner Shelf can be used on metal, glass, fiberglass, tile and other smooth bathroom surfaces. One large normal suction cups provide stability for the back of the organizer. PRODUCTS FEATURES : Multifunctional Detachable 3-Tier Rectangular Plastic Bathroom Kitchen Shelf Rack Storage Organizer Perfect for bathroom, sitting room, bedroom or kitchen, organize shampoo, towel, alarm clock, notebook, skin care product, drinks, seasoning, etc. 3 layer give you roomy space to store your odds and ends, kitchen supplies, bathroom essentials, decorative elements, linens and more Three tiers design, the storage capability is strong, and space-saving Size(after installed): 34.2 x 26 x 17.8 cm Detachable, easy to install. Size(after installed): 34.2 x 26 x 17.8 cm It can be used in the kitchen and the bathroom, give bathroom/kitchen room a new look