Fun Steam Powered Tin Toy Boat Pop Putt Candle Powered Pack of 3 ( Ranndom Color )

Fun Steam Powered Tin Toy Boat Pop Putt Candle Powered Pack of 3 ( Ranndom Color )

179MRP 500 -64%
Inclusive of all Taxes
Manufacturing Info
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Yugg Enterprises
Customer Care: 01204606060


Product Type
Product Code
12-24 Months
Ideal For
Product Dimension
10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm
A pop-pop boat is a toy with a very simple steam engine without moving parts, typically powered by a candle or vegetable oil burner The name comes from the noise made by some versions of the boats. Other namei s are putt-putt boat, crazy boat, flash-steamer, hot-air-boat, pulsating water engine boat. Around the world they may be called Can-Can-boot, Knatterboot, toc-toc, Puf-Puf boat, Poof Poof craft, Phut-Phut, or Pouet-Pouet. Kriwin Pop pop/ putt putt /phat phat boat is made of high quality tin metal. The batch of each boat being different there is no option to choose colors. The BOAT Kit comes with a Dropper and candle. In case of the candle wax being over we recommend you to use oil and a wick to continue playing with the toy boat
Country Of Origin

Manufacturer Details

Manufactured By
Himanshu Trading Co.,Shop No. 3, Deputy Ganj 4794,Delhi-110006

Return Policy

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No Returns/Replacements Allowed - This item is non-cancellable and non-returnable. Cancellation not allowed - Cancellations are not allowed for this product once ordered.
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