It is important to choose a brand that makes quality bags, if you want the bag to last for long. Butterflies is a brand that was launched in 2012 and they make different types of bags and wallets for men and women. They focus on creating unique designs and patterns for their products to make them stand out. The brand has a wide collection of products like handbags, wallets, sling bags, totes, backpacks, etc. They have bags for all purpose, whether you want one to carry to your workplace or a party.
The stunning collection of Butterflies includes a lot of variety in bags that are available on Paytm Mall at reasonable prices. If you take a look at the awesome range of wallets by Butterflies, you will see that they come in a large number of colours, sizes and designs. Butterflies wallets for men are made from synthetic material or PU and have two compartments and many pockets and cardholders. Carry a classic Butterflies wallet for women, that is made from polyester and feature minimalistic design.
Choose Butterflies Women Sling Bag in peach that will look perfect for a casual lunch with friends. Made from PU, this sling bag features zipper closure and spacious single compartment to keep your important things. The lineup of Butterflies handbags are so amazing and it include handbags in a wide variety of colours, sizes, patterns and designs. These handbags have detachable straps, two spacious compartments and zip closures. Pick the one that comes under your budget and goes well with your outfit. Butterflies also have a range of handheld bags that comes with handles other than the detachable straps. They are available in various bright hues and sizes to suit every personal preference. Nowadays, there is no other bag than totes than can grab attention and Butterflies has an astounding range of totes. Pick Butterflies light green tote that is made by using PU that ensures high durability. It has a very attractive design that exude style and sophistication. The bag has two compartments, four pockets and a zipper closure. It is spacious enough to keep all your essentials in an organized way.
If you want to buy Butterflies bag at the best affordable price then you must shop for them on Paytm Mall. With benefits like Cashback, offers and discounts, you will get your desired bag at the best online prices on Paytm Mall. Start shopping now to avail all these offers.