Bonjour Girls Knee High Multicolour 4 Pair Cotton Socks_Bro578A-03-Po4

Bonjour Girls Knee High Multicolour 4 Pair Cotton Socks_Bro578A-03-Po4

MRP 460
Inclusive of all Taxes
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Bonjour Girls Knee High Multicolour 4 Pair Cotton Socks_BRO578A-03-PO4

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Bonjour brings multicolour Knee High Girl s socks. The socks is crafted using finest cotton to please your skin with secure stable fit from toe to knee. They protect and keep your feet and leg clean and safe. Best for nursing profession, socks will draw the attention of all, while you will wear it with comfort. You can pair up these socks with shorts skirts to complement your look. These multipurpose socks are for school, office and party as it pair up well with many dresses.
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Manufacturer Details

Manufactured By
Zonac Knitting Machines Pvt Ltd
Manufacturer's Address
Plot no. 18-19, Ecotech Extension-1, Near Bhati Chowk, Kasna, Greater Noida, Dist Gautam Budhdha Nagar,, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201310

Return Policy

Return Policy
No Returns Allowed - This item is non returnable. However, in an unlikely event of the delivered item being damaged, defective or significantly different from what you had ordered, please immediately contact us within 2 days of delivery. Cancellation Allowed.
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