We are running short on the quote – ‘A lot can happen over coffee’. The times have changed and so the quote needs a tweak. We are currently in an era where a lot of things happen over a mug of beer than it happens over a cup of caffeine. It is the drink which builds the parole. It is said that the bond made over beer lasts longer!
Whenever you hear the buzz word ‘Party’, your mind wanders and comes back to the basic idea of – Alcohol. And mandatorily, all those parties start with the glass handful of beer and then continue by upgrading the alcohol percentage till the end. In some parts of the world, beer is the official drink which enjoys the same importance as tea and coffee. It is counted within the basic beverage section and is declared as the best ‘Social drink’ to promote amity. But ever wondered why people love to consume it in large proportions even though it lands up giving a bitter taste to their throat? Just to get booze swings and flaunt around? No, we are highly mistaken there.
When any drink is legalised or adopted by nations, it surely contains some health benefits and supplements which are proved vital for your body. Beer is made up of cereal grains like barley, corn, wheat, rice etc. which contains high amount of iron, thiamine, magnesium, niacin, proteins, vitamin B6 and many other nutrients which are very essential. We need all this nutrients in good proportion for proper functioning of our body. Researches and doctors have proved that beer protects your heart and helps in preventing kidney stones. It even helps in strengthening your muscles as well as in trimming your stress level after a long day.
There are some party freaks that have a unique hobby of collecting beer glasses from all around the world. They would happily spend a fortune for fulfilling their beer desires. If you are one of them we have some amazing collection for you in the house.
Imagine a scenario where you have invited your boss and office colleagues to your house for a booze party and in the middle of it, your glasses break down due to unforeseen scenarios? You wouldn’t like it, right? It would create some unwanted chaotic situation for few minutes which would affect the overall party. G-King, Imperial, Blinkmax, Urban Dazzle, Uniglass etc. are some of the brands who can save you from that embarrassing situation. They come up with the best quality of beer glass sets.
We always keep two different sets of crockeries for beverages at home, right? One for the guests and the others for our personal use. But for beer, it’s a bit different. We keep different beer mugs for us, for our casual gatherings, for our formal parties, for our house parties etc. and the occasions are myriad.
Brass- Brass glasses are made up of combination of zinc and copper. Sometimes lead and aluminium is used as alloys to add resistance to the glasses. They are not extra-ordinary in looks but carries durability.
Metal-These include aluminium as well as copper glasses. They are good because they are resistance power and are light in weight. Even if you have kids in the room, you can enjoy your drinks without worrying about the breakage issues.
Ceramic-Ceramics are brittle substances. They are made up by shaping the mixture of clay, different powders, earthen elements etc. with water and then baked up in high temperature. They turn partly crystalline. You can expect durability from ceramic products.
Acrylic-It is a type of plastic material. There are two types in it- transparent and opaque. Compared to glass they are more resistant and flexible.
Plastic-Plastic is water resistant. They are more durable and can be used better with cold liquids. Mostly chilled soft drinks are served in plastics. Plus they are available in various colours and patterns which enhances the attractiveness of the product.
Plexiglas-Plexiglas is a form of transparent acrylic. They are very flexible with cold liquids and are available in designs as well as unique shapes.
Polycarbonate-They are considered non-breakable. This is the main advantage of this material. If you want something for longer duration of time, you can go for this one. You can use it on daily basis for your personal use.
Earthen clay-It is made up of different materials of natural clay. It has more cooling properties as the clay is affected according to the weather conditions. It is the oldest form of container. It is mostly brown and whitish in colour. It can also be hand painted using different colours and can be decorated with glittery materials to add up its beauty.
Silver Plated-These are normal metal glasses that are covered with silver alloy. They are considered into luxury goods. They are much more costly compared to others. You can use these for special guests.
Borosilicate Glass-They are more eco- friendly compared to other glass materials. Most of the cooking items are made up of this material as they are more heat resistance.
Stainless steel -Stainless steel has high ductility. It can be used for any type of liquid and in any weather. It is not breakable. They are available in various designs and shapes. You can customize it by scribbling your favourite quotes or doodles.
Wood-Wood glasses are in trend. If you want something unique but with medium cost, this is the type you can go for.
Get Unique Offers on Beer Glasses for Your Parties When you buy beer glasses, you want them to be cool look-wise and in terms of the quality. At Paytm Mall, you will find beer glasses that offer you both. By buying amazing beer glasses along with several cashback offers and discounts, you can take your upcoming party to the next level. You can also explore bucket coolers, wine bottle holders, ice buckets etc. from our Home & Kitchen category for more such products.Bar Sets | Drink Shakers | Bar Games | Buckets Coolers & Holders | Bar Tools & Equipments
This data was last updated on 2025/03/14