Amjalika Feng Shui Laughing Buddha Sitting On Elephant

Amjalika Feng Shui Laughing Buddha Sitting On Elephant

600MRP 800 -25%
Inclusive of all Taxes
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Product Type
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Product Dimension
10 cm x 11 cm x 7 cm
Product Weight
424 Gm
Set Content
1 Pc
Also known as the Buddha of Happiness or Matreiya in Buddhism, it reflects the 10th century Chinese monk, who was considered the reincarnation of Gautama Buddha. As the name suggests, the laughing Buddha evoked lot of laughter, smiles and happiness then. This lucky talisman is used to attract wealth, good luck and positive energy. Besides solving monetary issues, the laughing Buddha gives a boost to careers and relationships. It helps to lead a relaxed life and enables concentration at work. So popular is this figure that he is available in a wide variety of feng shui products and in various sizes. Key Words: Happiness, Positivity, Luck

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