Abhimantrit 6 MukhiI Nepali Rudraksha

Abhimantrit 6 MukhiI Nepali Rudraksha

396MRP 1100 -64%
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Set Contents
Abhimantrit Five-faced (5 mukhi) Rudraksha Kept in Mustard, Sandalwood Oil and 28 Herbs for minimum 2 year Musterd oil helps in making the Besds strong and it increases the life of Beads, keeping tha rudraksha dipped in Mustered oil makes Beads life up to 100 years. Sandelwood oil helps in purifying the Beads, 28 different type of Indian Precious Herbs are used to increase the benefit of this Rudraksha Beads up to its maximum level. The Six Faced Rudraksha (6 Mukhi) is said to represent the second son of The Lord Shiva, Kartikeya . Six Faced Rudraksha helps to build and increses emotional charecter.It improve the intellectual area in our brain, which controls how to love and appreciate others. Good in the prevention of eyes, nose, throat, sexual organs, kidneys, and bladder related diseases. Benefits of this Rudraksha Bead: Lord Kartikeya (Son of Lord Shiva) is the governer of Six Faced Rudraksha Beads. Wearer remains Victory and his Wisdom prevails aither in any dispute etc. Diseases of a sexual nature, of sexual organs are cured by this bead. Six Faced (mukhi) Rudraksha is very beneficial for Studies of Students. It gives Money and Prosperity to the wearer with vehicles and sense pleasures. The wearer of this bead has the power of Sammohan (positive energy fascination) in him/her. Increases the Positive vibrations of attracting other individuals. This bead energised mind so that the wearer becomes intelligent & witty.
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Manufacturer Details

Manufactured By
Himanshu Mala Stores, Ck 28/11, Gyanwapi Chowk, Varanasi, U.P - 221001

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14 Days Free Return - Seller provides free replacement/refund within 14 days of delivery. Cancellation Allowed.
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