ABB INITIO MOTTO THAT ABB INITIO WORKS ON IS FITNESS RECONSTRUCTED. IN TODAY'S TIME THE MOST IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL IS A HEALTHY BODY TO OVERCOME ANY AND EVERY CHALLENGE IN LIFE. HENCE AT ABB INITIO WE THRIVE TO PROVIDE THE BEST QUALITY FITNESS ACCESSORIES AT AN UNBELIEVABLY AFFORDABLE PRICE SO THE ONLY THING AFFECTED BY PURCHASING OUR PRODUCTS IS FAT AND FITNESS AND THE LAST THING AFFECTED IS YOUR POCKET. BENEFITS: Target fibers deep within the triceps Emphasize the outer portion of the triceps muscle Put greater emphasis on the long head Strengthen the three muscles on the backs of your upper arms Work your shoulders, abdominal muscles and upper back EXERCISES: Full body workout pull downs press downs, curls, crunches kickbacks, bent over row, single leg deadlift, shrugs, choppers, pushing, pulling, knee bending hip extending. MUSCLES WORKED: Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major and Minor, Deltoid, Rhomboids, Biceps, Pectoralis Major, Tricep muscles.