55Carat 1 Face Ek Mukhi Rudraksha Om Sterling Sliver Pendent

55Carat 1 Face Ek Mukhi Rudraksha Om Sterling Sliver Pendent

3,100MRP 6700 -54%
Inclusive of all Taxes
Manufacturing Info
Return Policy
Sold by:
Nitin Collection
Customer Care: 01204606060


Product Type
Product Code
Product Dimension
1.4 cm x 1.6 cm x 1.8 cm (14 Mm x 16 Mm x 18 Mm)
Product Weight
10 Gm
Set Contents
1 Pc
Day of wearing - Monday Symbol of - Lord Shiva Ruling Planet - Sun Rulling God - Omkar Properties - According to the mythological books peace and pleasure abide in the house where one faced Rudraksha is worshipped. There is no fear of untimely death. Its wearer himself is fortunate by himself. People s experience- Wearing one mukhi helps to overcome from the habits like smoking, drinking, drug abuse tobacco chewing overeating, excessive talking. Recommended for - Diseases of Heart, Blood, Veins, Headache, Heart Disease and Right Eye Defect. Influence on body organ - Pineal, Pituitary, Optic chiasma, Hypothalamus Positive Effects -The wearer enjoys all the Worldly Comforts and all his material desires get fulfilled yet he is not bound by them. Attainment of very high level of Spiritual Consciousness and Mental Peace, Attainment of Nirvana. One Mukhi Rudraksha pacifies the malefic effects of planet SUN and makes the individual charismatic and radiant like the Divine Surya. As per Ancient Vedic Texts, this Rudraksha is said to be very beneficial in curing Headache, Right Eye problems & diseases of Liver, Bowels, Heart Diseases, Bone Pains etc. This Rudraksha renders a person the power to Concentrate, Increased Confidence, Leadership qualities and Prosperity. A person wearing One Mukhi Rudraksha is able to lead a Healthier, Wealthier and Happier Life by the blessings of Lord Shiva. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note The photo gives a good representation of the Rudraksha but does not represent the actual size & color. Rudraksha with Equivalent dimension ,weight ,origin and faces will be Shipped to you . As the Rudraksha are of Natural Origin therefore they have variable Size and Shape which they got from Nature.
Country Of Origin

Manufacturer Details

Manufactured By
Nitin Collection, Near Post office Karnal sector 6, Karnal, Haryana- 132001

Return Policy

Return Policy
7 Days Free Return or Replacement - This item is eligible for free replacement/return within 7 days of delivery in an unlikely event of the delivered item being damaged/defective or different from what you had ordered. We may contact you to ascertain the damage or defect in the product prior to issuing refund/replacement. Cancellation Allowed.
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