2 Mukhi Rudraksha Lab certifiede Nacklace

2 Mukhi Rudraksha Lab certifiede Nacklace

499MRP 999 -50%
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Two Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Rudra and his wife Parvati as it is symbolic of Ardhanareshwar, the integrated forms of Shiv and Shakti. This Rudraksha symbolises the connection between consciousness and soul. The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha offers peace and harmony in all relationships of the wearer. Since this rudraksha is influenced by Moon, it leads to emotional stability. The 2 faces of this rudraksha bless the person with good health, happiness, children and a happy union with the spouse. Many people have difficulty in getting married. Some have problems in having children. Two Mukhi Rudraksha helps in both scenarios. Many people suffer from pessimistic thoughts and emotions that affect their lives negatively. Two Mukhi Rudraksha helps to combat such defeatist attitudes and provides a positive outlook. After following proper rituals and offering prayers, this rudraksha can be worn. The wearer of Two Face Rudraksha is blessed with the blessings equal to that got by donation of 108 cows.Two Mukhi Rudraksha leads to perfect harmony between family relations, business partners, and friends.Success in all endeavors is achieved after wearing Two Face Rudraksha.2 Mukhi Rudraksha is beneficial for those who suffer from left eye problems.Kidney and Intestine issues also get resolved by Two Mukhi Rudraksha.Memory loss and neurotic diseases also get cured by 2 Mukhi Rudraksha.Two Face Rudraksha treats urinary bladder, liver and even breast problems.It heals the mind, energies life and helps one take charge of emotions. Two Mukhi Rudraksha helps in curing sexual diseases and infertility.
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Himanshu Mala Stores, Ck 28/11, Gyanwapi Chowk, Varanasi, U.P - 221001

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14 Days Free Return - Seller provides free replacement/refund within 14 days of delivery. Cancellation Allowed.
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